| | |  | Manufacturer &Exporter of Agrochemical |  | | |  | Gold-N Liquid |
| |  | Nitrobenzene + Humic Acid Yield Enhancer |  | This is a most concentrated combination product available in the market today it has got best of the best ingredient i.e. Nitrobenzene, Humic acid, Amino acid, Fulvic acid and seaweed extract. The presentation of the product makes it all the more important as every thing is available in liquid form which is most convenient form to apply with foliar fertilizer, drip irrigation etc. Gold-N L. helps in fast and uniform spray no sticker/spreader is required. It also enhances the efficacy of other micro nutrient / pesticide with which it can be used. Gold-N liquid is compatible with most pesticide but jar test is advised before using any new combination. Dosage: 2-3ml. per liter of water with fertilizer. Available Packing : 100ml, 250ml, 500ml, 1Ltr. |
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|  | |  | Gold-N Granules |
| |  | Nitrobenzene + Humic Acid Yield Enhancer |  | This is a most concentrated combination product available in the market today it has got best of the best ingredient i.e. Nitrobenzene, Humic acid, Amino acid, Fulvic acid and seaweed extract. The presentation of the product makes it all the more important as every thing is available in granular form which is most convenient form to apply with fertilizer etc. Gold-N Gr. helps in fast and uniform germination of seed, seedling thus germinated will be stronger and have natural resistance for diseases and adverse climate to disease and better survival rate. Dosage: 2-3 Kg per acre with fertilizer. Available Packing: 1Kg. |
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|  | |  | Sulfoking - L |
| |  | Sulphur Liquid 20% |  | Sulfoking-L is a Sulphur based liquid, Sulphur is one of the most important secondary nutrient required for growth and development of growth and development of plants is required in fairly large quantities and is recognized as fourth plant nutrient in quantity after N.P.K It is needed for the synthesis of Amino acids like Cystine and Methionine and hence for protein synthesis. Sulfoking-L is fast method of overcome sulphur deficiency as it is easily absorbed by plant leaves. It’s a 3in1 product, Contact fungicide/Calcium nutrient/Sulphur nutrient. Dosage: Dissolve 500ml in 200 liters of water and spray on plants either in the morning or in the evening. Available Packing: Available in 500ml 1 & 5 liter. Caution: Do not apply to sulphur sensitive crops like cucurbits. Compatibility : Sulphur is not equally compatible with all pesticides hence take precaution. Compatibility with Endosulfan, DDVP and monocrotophos formulations is found to be good. |
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|  | |  | Humisol L |
| |  | Humic Acid 18% - Plant Growth Promoter |  | Humisol-L is a humic acid based solution having 18% of potassium humate, Humic acid is essential element of each plant nutrient system. Its application improves white root of the plant and also increases there nutrient absorption capacity which lead into health plant and good immunity. Dosage: 1lit per acre for soil application 500ml, per 200 liter of water for spray. Available Packing : 100, 250ml, 500ml, 1000ml. |
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|  | |  | Balwan |
| |  | Tricontanol 0.05% Plant Growth Promoter |  | Balwan is a universal plant growth promoter used for enhancing the vegetative growth in a wide range of crops. Application on periodic intervals helps in increasing the nutrient uptake by the crops resulting in increase in yield and quality of the produce. Dosage: 5-10 Kg. per acre. Packing Available: 5 kg. HDPE Laminated reusable bag. |
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 |  | Must Bio |
| |  | Amino Acid Plant Growth Promoter |  | Must-Bio is a unique precessed liquid organic manure. Must-Bio is processed by specific eco-friendly bio-technology based on utilization of kind mother nature's resources to make all the plants healthy to enable them to achieve optimum growth resulting in to high quality bumper yield for the benefits of mankind. Must-Bio is safe, non-inflammable, non-hazardous and environment friendly product. Must-Bio contains natural ingredients & precursors of plant origin. Must-Bio is extracted from the specific group of plants like Gymnosperm (Cider & Pine) & Angiosperm (Herbs) plants material preserved naturally without use of synthetic chemicals. Must-Bio is easily taken by plants through root or shoot system of plants and is assimilated into the plant system as the ingredients of Must-Bio are in bio-available form. Ingredients of Must-Bio vitalizes the metabolism of plants for the wholesome development to the optimum level. Must-Bio also stimulates the development of micro- flora in the rhizosphere of soil which improves the soil health. Improved soil health helps in enhanced productivity and reduces the compacting of soil & depletion trouble. Dosages: Liquid Form: 1ml / 12-15 litre for water. Granular Form: 5 kg. per acre
Dosages of Must-Bio at various stages of treatment are as follows : Seed/Set/Bulbs/Tuber/s Nursery seedlings treatment - 1ml. / 5 litre of water. Soil drenching / sprinkler or Drip treatment - 1 ml/20-50 litre of water.
Foliar spray treatment - 1 ml/12-15 litre of water. Available Packing : 10 ml. pack unit in liquid form. 5 kg Bag pack unit in granular form. |
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| |  | Sulfoking - P |
| |  | 100% SOLUBLE CALCIUM |  | Calcium is responsible for the structural and physiological stability of plant tissues and together with other substances regulates influx, efflux processes in cells and tissues. The normal calcium contents of the plant tissues is generally between 0.40.78& dry wt. Tomato, Lady finder & Chilies requiires large quantity of calcium. Calcium deficiency causes great commercial loss due to bitter pits of Apple blossom end rot in tomatoes and melons and other fruits. Lack of calcium in legumes prevents the development of nodule bacteria thus affecting the nitrogen fixation. Dosage: 2-3gm per liter of water for spray & 2-3 Kg. in 25-30 Kg. of urea for soil application. Packing Available: 1Kg. |
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| | |  | Haryali GR |
| |  | Seaweed Extract Plant Growth Promoter |  | A unique formula produced by mixing animal and vegetable products in scientifically controlled conditions in granular form to give you the optimum output. Haryali-GR when applied to soil release nutrients in plant rhizosphere thus stimulate growth of beneficial micro organisms and provide nutritional support to plant at critical stages of growth. The application of Haryali-GR thus, becomes trouble-free and can be applied as basal dressing and top dressing in the standing crops. Commercial Crops, Field Crops, Plantations, Pulses, Oil Seeds, Spices, Horticultural Crops, Vegetables, Lawns, Gardens, Golf course, Green house, floriculture, fodder crops etc. Dosage: 8-16Kg. with fertilizer Available Packing : 4Kg, 8Kg. |
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| | |  | Humisol - L |
| |  | Humic Acid 6% Plant Growth Promoter |  | This is a easy to apply form if humic acid treated bentonite granules containing not less then 6% by weight of Humic acid along with number of other synergetic plant boosters. This formulation can be used with or without fertilizer in all type of crops . Dose : 5Kg. per acre in most crops and 10Kg. per acre in long duration crope. Available Packing : 5Kg, 50Kg. bulk pack. |
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| | |  | Fruity - L |
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| Nitrobenzene 20% Flowering Stimulant | 
| FRUITY-L is unique combination of nitrobenzene, proteins and vitamins, containing 20% nitrobenzene in micro emulsion form, It is very effective plant growth premoter which increases number of buds, flowers to plant. It is a plant energizer which helps in plant growth and increases the size of the leaves with formation of more number of productive flowers. It also chcks fruit & flower droop. Dosage: 2-3ml per liter of water. Available Packing : 100ml, 250ml, 500ml, 1000ml |
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